Back to School: Welcoming the New Year!
It's the first day of school! Every year when September rolls around, there is a buzz of excitement in the air (and no, it's not just the crisp chill of Autumn peeking around the corner). Whether you're a brand new teacher or a teacher with a few years under your belt, the feeling of anticipation is still the same. It's a new year with new kids and many possibilities!
Let's face it, everyone's a little nervous at the start of the new year – students, parents, and teachers included! We want to help get your year started on the right foot so we've put together some key articles.
6 Messages Every Student Should Hear On The First Day Of School
Will my teacher be nice? Will my friends be in my class? Will this grade be difficult and will I be able to keep up? These are a few of the questions that might be in your students' minds as they begin the new year in your classroom. Read about six important messages to communicate to each and every student in your class that will say to them: "You are important, your actions matter, and things may not always be easy but we are all on the same team."
10 Tips for New Teachers
New teachers – you're excited, you're nervous, and you have tons of ideas on how to rock this school year! Sometimes it's helpful to have a simple and clear checklist to get you started. Read these tips to get your year going!
12 Smart Ways to Fight Teacher Burnout That Really Work
Teachers, you're amazing and are practically superhuman for all that you do. You do your best work when you take care of yourself first! The best way to fight teacher burnout is to prevent it before it happens. Check out these 12 things you can do to avoid the burnout and have fun while you're at it!
We wish you all a warm welcome back and a bright year ahead!