Teacher Salary Grids: Central BC School Districts


The following teacher salary grids for Central BC school districts are effective July 1, 2023. Figures are based on BCPSEA data.

A teacher’s salary category is assigned by the Teacher Qualification Service (TQS). It is based on TQS’ evaluation of a teacher’s training; professional and academic qualifications. Within districts, there may be remote and rural communities.

Within districts, there may be remote and rural communities. Please note that employees working in these communities are eligible to receive a remote and rural allowance, which is both an adjustment to the salary grid and an annual allowance of approximately $2,947 per FTE.  Teachers on call (TOCs) are not eligible to receive this allowance.

Cariboo-Chilcotin 27

SD 27 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Anahim Lake, Tatta Lake, Alexis Creek, Likley, Nemiah, Dog Creek, Big Lake, Bridge Lake, Horsefly, and Buffalo Creek are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la C-B 93

SD 93 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2023

Note:  Only employees working in the community of Terrace are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Gold Trail 74

SD 74 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Gold Bridge/Bralorne, Seton Portage/South Shalalth/Shalath, Venables Valley, and Lillooet/Pavilion/Fountain/Band Communities are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Kamloops / Thompson 73

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$66,532 $73,421 $77,784 $79,315
2$69,495 $76,612 $81,319 $82,971
3$72,458 $79,804 $84,855 $86,628
4$75,422 $82,998 $88,391 $90,284
5$78,384 $86,189 $91,924 $93,940
6$81,346 $89,382 $95,462 $97,597
7$88,012 $92,573 $98,995 $101,253
8 $- $99,972 $107,036 $109,520
9 $- $- $- $-
10 $- $- $- $-
SD 73 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Blue River, Vavenby, and Brennan Creek are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Prince George 57

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$59,711 $64,557 $69,285 $70,907
2$62,445 $68,032 $73,014 $74,689
3$65,178 $71,508 $76,745 $78,473
4$67,910 $74,983 $80,474 $82,256
5$70,644 $78,459 $84,207 $86,040
6$73,378 $81,935 $87,935 $89,822
7$76,111 $85,411 $91,667 $93,606
8$78,843 $88,887 $95,398 $97,388
9$81,575 $92,361 $99,128 $101,171
10$88,012 $99,972 $107,036 $109,520
SD 57 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Dunster, Mackenzie, McBride, Hixon, Giscome, and Valemount are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.

Quesnel 28

StepCat 4Cat 5Cat 5+Cat 6
1$61,175 $67,163 $71,853 $73,501
2$64,089 $70,365 $75,275 $77,001
3$67,004 $73,565 $78,697 $80,500
4$69,918 $76,766 $82,119 $84,000
5$72,832 $79,967 $85,540 $87,498
6$75,746 $83,167 $88,964 $90,999
7$78,661 $86,370 $92,386 $94,499
8$81,574 $89,571 $95,807 $98,000
9$88,012 $92,771 $99,229 $101,498
10 - $99,972 $107,036 $109,520
SD 28 Teacher Salary Grid as of July 1, 2024.

Note:  Only employees working in the communities of Narcosli, Nazko, Wells, Kersley, Lakeview, Barlow Creek, Moose Heights and Bouchie Lake are eligible for the remote and rural allowance.


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